A quick story/response to Terry Dise
        I know how you feel - I'm at the same point.  A couple of days ago I
was told at work that I had to COVER-UP the portion of the LLLI/Kiwanis
poster with the "Why No Bottle" on it - it "upset" the pediatricians.  On my
way home, I ranted and raved at the dairy cows I passed and the next night I
dutifully covered the offending portion with a small slip of paper with LLL
info on it.  I made it small enough so that the words underneath peeked out
and then only taped it at the top so that passer-by's could simply lift it
up and read the censored part.  Passive-aggressive?  Yup.  Happy campers
all?  For the most part.
        Hang in there and keep venting.
                                Debbie, RN