
 After 24 hrs. of meditation, here's my 2 cents for your rebuttal to that
sweet editor....hope this helps you get your thoughts in order. Let us all
know what you finally DO write to her, please.
The star editor said:

>  "My only suggestion would be that the article include information in
>support of women who either cannot or choose not to breastfeed.  These women
>are often make to feel guilty and inadequate."

Dear Editor:

Thank you very much for your response to my offer of an article on BF. It
is wonderful (or praiseworthy?) that you are just as concerned about not
alienating some of your readers who may be put off by a pro-breastfeeding
piece, as you are with the publishing of a quality article which presents
facts about the natural process of breastfeeding.

I can assure you that your magazine will be placed in a most favorable
light when it is used as a vehicle to communicate to your readers the
medically proven (WHO and UNICEF supported) manner in which we can provide
our infants with optimum nutrition, at minimum cost and energy expenditure.

Modern studies have documented beyond a doubt the enormous economic
savings,not only medically (less illness/hospital expense) and
production-wise but also ecologically speaking, (refer to Dr. Miriam
Labbock's work here) that are achieved in a predominantly breastfeeding
culture. Nevertheless, each individual must weight the facts for
him/herself and decide the best course of action for themselves and their
chosen lifestyle.

Surely, your publication will want to present a clear and factual
exposition to its readers, without taking sides...neither for nor against
breastfeeding, but rather publish a documented, unemotional presentation
which will permit an informed decision on the part of your readership.
Please let me know as soon as possible whether you would like me to put
together an article of this nature.

Best regards,blah blah,blah.

Well, what do you all think?  The secret is to not alienate the editor.And
the truth is, that if you present the facts, just the facts, ma'm (like
those guys on Dragnet) there is only one natural conclusion that can be
BREASTFEEDING IS BEST!   (yes, I AM yelling!)
