Help fellow lactnetters!
I have been speaking to a mother of a now 12 week old boy. He has been
spitting up forcefully after most feedings since his early weeks, but the
situation worsened about 2-3 weeks ago. The baby also reacts the same to
bovine-based artificial baby milk (ABM), but has no spitting after a feeding
with a soy-based ABM.
The mother has been experimenting with ABMs because she is going back to work
and doesn't want to pump while there (which is a whole other story and she is
aware of possible production pitfalls).
I suspected an infant sensitivity to cow's milk (a brilliant deduction
considering the history!) and suggested the mother cut out all cow's milk
products from her diet. She's done this for the past week, but she has noted
no change at all. (We've discussed it may take longer for allof the protein
to clear her system--I haven't asked her to do a diet recall/diary, but that
may be next.)
I've asked her to review events that occurred about 2-3 weeks ago to see if
anything might be related to a worsening of the problem. So far the only
event was the infant received a second DPT about then, but he had no apparent
site or systemic reaction--no redness, fever, etc.
If anyone has ANY other ideas, please send them ASAP. With soy ABM not
causing a problem, the  mother is considering going to that entirely. Thanks.