Not sure if this is helpful, but some tips I learned in informatics class
really help me focus and efficiently use my time when I go over to the med.
science library:

A. Use the book of subject headings which accompanies whichever lit search
line you are using--for Medline it is Index Medicus. CINAHL, PsychLit, etc.
all have such a book. Going to this little bit of trouble to find subject
headings known to be in there saves time over the hit or miss method of
making up headings.

B. Use the word "OR" to expand a search and the word "AND" to limit it, e.g.
once in to the system, type:
1. lactation (may want to type "lactation-human")
2. breastfeeding
3. #1 or #2 (will search for all articles having either         word=broader
4. thrush
5. yeast
6. #4 or #5 (broadens per #3)
7. #3 and #6 (limits search as any article must include both types of subject

(Hope the above is understandable--definitely the best and most focusing tip
I got out of class!)

C. Check the MeSH listings at the end of an abstract--listed in order of
major then minor. Often I find just what I'm looking for there or I get a new
but related path to follow.

Hope this helps someone.

Karen, a dimensionally-folded individual--particularly noticeable when I'm
mesmerized in front of computer doing lit search (Thanks Martha
B.--"dimensionally-folded" is parfait!)