How come if I promote a product Mother Nature provides for free, I'm labeled
a "zealot"? Yet I'm called a "marketing representative" (and paid--well) if I
promote a manufactured ABM product (which brings in big bucks)?! (Of course,
ABM marketing reps aren't as "pushy" as I--right?)

Someone wrote about getting info on a client's history from a nurse who told
her that the client had had breast augmentation surgery and her
doctors/others were unaware of it. I don't know the circumstances and all
might be A-OK here (how did this nurse know about the surgery and come to
speak tothe LC about it?), but I hope an informed consent, which covers such
exchanges of client information between health professionals, was signed by
the client. Check with law in your state, but most have privacy laws (and
there is national law re: privacy) which include a client's right to
confidentiality. ILCA's new Standards of Practice for Lactation Consultants--
standard 4--discusses expected LC behavior on this issue.
   Also, something still isn't fitting clinically in this
picture--augmentation surgery often/usually is compatible with milk
production; plus there are no noticeable scars; hmm...(and I have seen
Caucasian clients with incredibly pale scarring which is difficult to observe
unless looking closely). Veddy interethting... Not surprised by client
lying--whether she viewed LC as having health professional vs. doula hat on.
Some clients lie. The question is why--why does she believe she needs to hide
this info? (Assuming the nurse who shared it is correct.) When a client's
story isn't "fitting" together just right, my mental health antennae pop up
way up!
  P.S. There are a lot of us health professionals who also are nice to
clients and develop warm--yet not codependent--therapeutic
relationships!!!!!!!! (Aargh LJS, I can't believe what you posted unless you
are deliberately trying to get my dander up--a real possibility, I
realize!!!!! Maybe trying to see if I'm still on here, as you know it's a pet
peeve and sure to press my buttons!)

Karen, who came out of the closet and publicly faced breastfeeding bigotry
years ago! (P.S. Whoever came up with "Lactivist"--merci beaucoup! Will get a
lot of mileage on that one!)