I wrote the following to misc.kids & misc.kids.pregnancey, and received
a (quite hostile)  response demanding references.  I don't have them all in
 one place, but scattered throughout many notes and articles. Does anyone
have supporting medical journal references for the points that I have made?

Here is my post:

What concerns me about this thread is a lack of discussion and understanding of
the implications for a child, and for society, of treating breastfeeding as
though it were merely a lifestyle choice.  Formula has very substantial health
risks that most parents are simply unaware of because of massive advertising
and public relations efforts by the formula companies.  Formula fed babies are,
on average, 10 IQ points dumber than breastfed babies from the same
socio-economic background (which is equivalent to the neurological damage from
exposure to lead), have greatly multiplied risks of respiratory and
gastrointestinal infections, childhood leukemias, juvenile diabetes, adult
diseases such as Crohn's and colitis, as well as allergies.  Clearly, formula
impairs the development of the immune and neurological systems in infants.
Giving you this information is not designed to induce GUILT, if you have chosen
to formula-feed, but to induce ANGER at the formula companies, doctors,
parenting magazines, etc., if you made that choice without having this

There is a lot of talk about being "incapable" of breastfeeding, but 99% or
more of mothers are physiologically capable of breastfeeding.  Almost all
failure at breastfeeding comes from cultural factors, most especially from
ignorance on the part of the medical establishment about how to address
breastfeeding difficulties.  I would just urge every woman who is pregnant to
get as much information as possible about breastfeeding in advance of birth,
including the telephone number of her local La Leche League leader [call (800)
LA LECHE for that info, if it's not in your white pages], and the telephone
number of a certified lactation consultant.

Here is an excerpt from the response I got:

Without references to support your numerous allegations, your post reeks of
inflammatory hand waving.  I invite you to post references for the statments
you made.

As to your allegation that formula fed babies are "10 IQ points dumber"
than breast fed babies, any scale intended to measure "IQ" is almost
entirely subjective, surely you know that.  You make reference to an
equivalency of exposure to lead.  How much exposure to lead?  Exposure
by ingestion, or by aspiration?  For what time period?

Please post some facts along with your dogma next time.  It might lend you
some credence.