        I've been one of those "lurkers" for the past week and might as well
introduce myself.  I am a Navy RN and work in a busy Mother-Infant Unit in
Oak Harbor, WA.  Although I am not yet a lactation consultant, I have made
breastfeeding my business.  I invented and run a voluntary breastfeeding
follow-up program where I call mom's once a week or more for the first month
or so to offer support and technical help.  I am also trying to educate and
reeducate the hospital staff on the topic of breastfeeding - not very easy
(grin/frown!).  My stickiest problems seem to be nipple confusion (most
think it is a myth) and giving babies D5W or formula before mom comes to us
from OR or L+D (even if blood sugar is in the 80's - our cutoff is 45!!).
Oops, I'm whining and you don't even know me. :)
        I'd like to respond to the lead issue - #1 I've had plenty of
experience with shooting and think the issue has been blown way out of
proportion!  #2 Most Gov't agencies have fairly liberal policies on
breastfeeding DURING working hours (as feasible).  So, she must have gotten
a hold of a few neanderthal lower-down supervisors and I would advise her to
make her higherups aware of the situation - since she is a civilian, ACLU
may be a last resort option depending on how disgusted/determined she is.
        I also have a question about cabbage.  I know all about cabbage in
connection  with engorgement but what about cabbage and nipple soreness?  A
nurse I work with says she heard from a lactation consultant friend in
Australia that they use it with sore nipples as well.  Any Australians out
there (or anyone) care to comment?

Debbie Codding
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