Dear LactNetters,

My first posting.  Have been enjoying following all your conversations for
several weeks.  So many interesting questions and responses.  I'm a La Leche
League Leader of many years, recently retired from the PL program in the
Eastern US Division, and in a time of transition - I will start coursework
for a Master's in Library Service degree at Rutgers University in a few
weeks.  Something I just read made me so mad I can't resist speaking up.

Yesterday I picked up a copy of Baby Talk, August 1995 while in Sears.  Just
looked through it and saw an ad which initially excited me, then left me
aghast!  What do you think? (ad copy follows, see this ad on p. 48 of the

You may think the formula in the hospital gift pack is a recommendation from
your doctor or the hospital.  The truth is, it most often comes from a
manufacturer who has a contract with the hospital, plain and simple.
It may or may not be right for your baby, and shouldn't keep you from
considering other formulas.  More important, it shouldn't dissuade you from
breastfeeding or influence when you stop.
If you're considering using a formula, make an informed decision by getting
all the facts.  And as always, talk to your health care professional.  Then
you'll know if it's a gift worth keeping.

For more information on choosing a formula that's right for your baby, call
Carn______ Nutritional Products Consumer Affairs at 1-800-782-7766, ext.

Aaaaargh!  What's the bet this ad campaign is accompanied by a full-court
press to pediatricians with all sorts of  "factual, research based
information" to encourage them to recommend the "gentle from the very
beginning" formula!  Not surprisingly, there's an ad for that product on the
opposite page (p.49) reminding mothers/parents that, "Breast milk is nature's
miracle.  G___ St___ is Carn_____'s."

This approach is *so* subtle, including so much desirable and appropriate
information that they can readily claim to have only the best intentions at
heart.  Of course the truth of the matter is that being relatively recent
arrivals in the abm market they DO NOT have any of those contracts with
doctors and hospitals, and have had to come up with this kind of approach to
overcome the advantage conveyed on other companies by these contracts.  What
a world we live in!  I welcome your comments.  Right now I'm just so mad I
want to call in the troops and DO something about this ad before all the
vulnerable mothers read it; all the while knowing full well that is

Ruth Lufkin, LLL Leader
Basking Ridge, New Jersey, U.S.A.