We have terrible north winds here in Melbourne in summer. The winds come off
the inland deserts and bring all sorts of dust etc with them. The
temperature climbs with the wind over a period of 3-4 days until it gets up
to about 42oC and then a cool change will come with a south easterly wind.It
burns all the vegetation and makes the dogs bark and the kids fight. Mothers
of babies have lots of breastfeeding problems if they don't know how to cope
with a breastfed baby in hot weather ie lots of short frequent feeds in the
day and more leisurley ones at night when it is comparatively cool.
I live by the beach and can smell the change coming as it comes off the bay
(salty) before it arrives. Our weather reports tell us how fast the "change"
is travelling and when it will reach us and we wait out in our gardens
because it is wonderful when it arrives. The temperature usually drops at
least 10oC in 30 mins when this phenomenon happens.
Melbourne is known as the city which can have 4 seasons in one day. At least
it's not boring!!
regards Jackie