Hello folks.  I'm forwarding this post from Tammy Chapek of Cleveland Ohio,
who would like any advice you can give her about dealing with her baby once
it is born, if indeed she turns out to have gestational diabetes and the
docs say that baby has to have glucose water after delivery.  Is frequent bf
enough?  If they insist on glucose water can it be given with a cup or SNS
or finger-feeding?  Please answer directly to her e-mail accounts listed
below, as she is not a subscriber of LactNet.  She says Thanks In Advance.
Kathy Dettwyler

>Return-Path: [log in to unmask]
>Date: Sat, 5 Aug 95 09:55 EST
>X-PH: V4.1@mail
>From: Tammy <[log in to unmask]>
>To: parent l <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: not bf related-Gest.Diabetes
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>Hi all.  I have been everywhere I can think of trying to get any
>information I can,about Gestational Diabetes.I got a call from my DR
>yesterday morning,saying I "failed" the glucose test,and will need to do a
>3 hr test on tues.  I never had any such problems with my first two
>babies,so I really don't know all that much about this situation.I looked
>on everyones www pages,and also looked on misc.kids.breastfeeding,but
>haven't really found much.
>                            I would be EXTREMELY interested in hearing from
>anyone else here who may have been through this before.Or even anyone who
>knows anything about it.I have been sitting here since yesterday,upset and
>crying,(hormones,I guess),wondering what horrible things are going to come
>of this,if I fail the 3 hr test.   I also am very anemic,(which I was with
>the other two babies,and I tried to tell the DR over the last 2 months that
>I was,and they never even bothered to check,till the 25th of this
>month),and I feel like CRAP all the time.I keep getting dizzy spells,and
>have come close to passing out a few times now.I am also retaining a lot of
>water,so I'm beginning to swell dramatically.And I am experiencing
>"numbness",and tingling in my legs,a lot of the time.
>     I'm sorry to post of-topic,like this,but I really need to hear from
>others,about their experiences.I can't go through the next 4 days,upset
>about this.   Anyone who can help,please send me notes off-list.I want to
>know EXACTLY what this means,to the baby as well as myself.
>                                  Thank you all!
>                                  Tammy, mom to Rhianon 11/18/89 and
>Wolfgang 02/01/92
>         soon-to-be mommy of Augustus James,due 9/29
>[log in to unmask]  or  [log in to unmask]

Thanks everyone.  I really appreciate your help.  If anyone is in the
Cleveland area, maybe you could tell her by e-mail and she could call you.

Katherine A. Dettwyler, Ph.D.
e-mail to [log in to unmask]
Associate Professor of Anthropology
Texas A&M University
Specialist in infant feeding and growth