Time to pick your wonderful brains again....I hope the dieticians aren't
sick of this subject. Carol C. wrote on July 30 "get high vitamin C
juices like orange or other citrus...". The ICEA and my own experience
have suggested that citrus before at least 9 mo can lead to allergic
response. I once had a call from a mom who was still exclusively bfing at
almost 9 mo, *she* had eaten an orange, and the *baby* had broken out in
an all-body rash. This is extreme, of course. My personal experience has
led me to be suspicious of watermelon and melon (gave baby gas when I
ate), and when someone gave Micha (about 1 year old) a few grapes, he had
stools which literally burned his little butt into bleeding raw meat. Not
a pretty sight, believe me. Grape juice for baby to this day (18 yrs
later) makes my skin crawl. Could the RDs out there clarify this fruit issue
for me - when to start what fruit for baby, and what fruits should a
bfing mom be careful of? I've been winging this for 12 years now.....
TIA, Judy K. in Israel