Well, I thought I'd let you all know how the first week back to work went.
Somehow it seemed appropiate that I return during WBFW. It only serves to
show what happens when a zealot isn't minding the store. My partner is a
wonderful person and is a zealot but a quiet one but a single person can't be
an activest when there are so many mom's and babies that need help.
When I left 7 months ago, we had just gotten everyone excited about baby
friendly. Apparently, in my absence, there was a threat from the formula
companies. And baby friendly is on the back burner. (I say, maybe if the moms
had to pay for it or if the hospital had to foot the bill our continuance
rate would be higher.)
Even my most avid supporters on the postpartum unit, have gotten lax-- "these
kids are discharged in less than 24 hours and they HAVE to eat" (their
emphysis, not mine). Formula was everywhere.
I had a long discussion with a ped about a premie with rule/out NEC that was
getting formula instead of mom's pumped milk.
Gave a free pump rental to a mom with 6 kids at home, a set of newborn premie
twins and dad's just gotton laid off work.
Lent a sympathetic ear to a mom who had to pay $20.00 in co-pays to see us at
the clinic.
Listened to the reasons why I'm having my hours cut back by 10%.
Talked to a mom with *no milk* at 2 weeks because of supplements for low
blood sugar (which she never stopped because no one told her that she should)

Our policy is that mom's and babies are not seperated--(right ;~(   ) The L&D
unit was full so fresh deliveries were sent to post partum and babies were
farmed out to the nursery.
Only one nurse looked at me and said "Gee, I'm glad you're back, these people
need you."
Never appologize for being a zealot. If we didn't believe that breastmilk was
the best for baby why would we be LC's? I cam home from ILCA recharged and
renewed the need for being a zealot clearer once again. It's hard to be a
zealot all the time, it's easy to let our guard down. It's frustrating to
keep butting your head against the same brick wall over and over again and
everytime you start to break through; someone comes up and seals the breech.
I need a bigger battering ram.
No more Mrs nice LC. No more sweetening or sugar coating the dangers of ABM.
If a mom feels guilty because she doesn't want to nurse her baby; I didn't
put that guilt there. Zealotry--go get'em.
First thing Monday morning I'm posting excerpts from Kathy Dettwyler's
"Imagine" smack dab in the middle of the post partum bulletin board. A
booster shot against the toxins spread by greedy manufacturers. I'd much
rather be hot than lukewarm.
Sorry for the colloqualisms, but so many of them fit.
Off the soap box and on to the battle