I warn mom's about what I call the evening fussies. I tell them to expect
that the baby will often eat non stop for a few hour period - often
inconveniently timed to the dinner hour and this is NORMAL. It does not mean
that do not have enough, rather that the baby is "storing up for the night".
Remeber hour adults generally feel at this hour of the night to - rather
fussy. If you just bear with this period and nurse the baby as they will take
it, this period is usually followed by a longerr sleep period - even without
a bottle. As long as this is once per day there is no worry that the baby is
not getting enough. Babies who are truly "starving" are fussy (or if extreme,
lethargic) regardless of the hour of the day
*  Deena Zimmerman MD MPH                          *
*  Department of Pediatrics                        *
*  UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School        *
*  1 RWJ Place                                     *
*  New Brunswick, NJ 08903                         *
*                                                  *
*      phone (908) 235-7248                        *
*      fax   (908) 235-7345                        *
*      email  [log in to unmask] (internet)        *