Hello All,
I am Kathleen Doerr LLL leader for 5 years, mother of 3 ages 8, 4 , and
almost 2. I live in a Houston suburb in Texas USA.  I have been lurking for
about 2 weeks. I have been enjoying on going discussions but don't know that
I have had more that .01 to add so I wait in the wings.  I met some of you at
the LLL conference in Chicago and put some faces with names I knew from a
previous online life.

The letter from Ilene about being a zealot struck home but so did the reply
from Paula I am a zealot but I try and focus my energy in areas where I am
not as likely to offend.  Sometimes the seed can be planted and grow years
later.  In high school I had a mamogram done to check a lump, the Dr's
comment that I just had dense breast tissue and I would make a lot of milk
for a baby someday, was casual for him,  but planted a large seed for me.  I
try to see those plantable spots.

Back to the woodwork
KatDoerr @aol.com