On Wed, 2 Aug 1995, Ilene Fabisch, LLLleader. wrote:

> Dear Becky,
> Don't use the hairdryer.(notice I'm trying not to yell :))
> All research points to only more damage being done by the dry heat of a
> hairdryer.  Although previously recommended this is no longer the case.  If
> this is a sore nipple I'd bet my stock of samples that La----- would help at
> least as far as dealing with the symptom not the problem.  Good Luck!

Please note that I suggested a *cool* setting at low speed-- in other
words, no heat. I do not suggest use of hairdryers either for other
situations, but when you are dealing with a dimple that tucks back in
quickly (which may not be the case here, but if you are...) and moisture
*is* the culprit, then such judicious use may be helpful.

Lisa A. Marasco, IBCLC                                /  [log in to unmask]
International Board Certified Lactation Consultant    /  [log in to unmask]
