
Interesting you should mention drug abuse.  That had crossed my mind also.  I
have seen her once since I posted my initial message and the baby had gained
7 ounces in 2 days.  The supplementing obviously helped.  Mom was less
distracted, more capable of focusing on the baby, and overall less spacey.  I
did get her to begin talking about family, church, etc.  She does attend a
church regularly, in fact the pastor and his wife visited her in the hospital
whereas her father was against the pregnancy (wanted her to abort it) and has
refused to have anything to do with it.  Hasn't even visited since the birth
(he lives within 30 miles).  She is hooked up with one mother support group
and plans to attend a La Leche League group on Tuesday evening.   I will see
her again Tuesday morning.  I have thought about contacting the church for
their resources.  I tried talking to mom about groups that the church as
going but it doesn't sound as if she is aware of anything.

Denise Parker