To those of you getting ready to sit the exam, I want to wish you clear minds
and a restful night before the exam!!  For what it is worth, I found it real
helpful to ask myself this question whenever I was "stumped" for an
answer....... "How would (pick a person whose LC expertise you admire) answer
this question?"  Somehow it seemed to help me sort through all my mental
hang-ups!  I'll give you a BIG HINT about the exam--there are no questions
about insects on it!!  (Hope I don't get into trouble for giving exam
answers!!) Seriously, I wish you all well.  These written situations are so
challenging because you have no visual, auditory or kinesthetic cues to
intuit about!

Go forth with your big #2s (pencils that is) and Make Your Marks on this

Queen Cheerleader....Rah, Rah!