La Leche League is an organization whose mission is to help mothers
to breastfeed their babies. Their work is accomplished through a
network of experienced breastfeeding mothers helping other
breastfeeding mothers.  As volunteers they provide information,
encouragement and support to breastfeeding mothers. LLL does not
promote nor endorse certain techniques or solutions to breastfeeding
problems, but based on experience and the latest scientific research
try to offer women effective alternatives for situations they
encounter.  In regards to cabbage leaves, although there are no
scientific studies showing how or why cabbage leaves are effective in
relieving engorgement in some women, many women have found them to be
effective and they are an alternantive that mothers may want to try.
It may be helpful to add a caution about unknown risks of over-using
cabbage leaves and potential permanent reduction in supply that some
women have experienced.  La Leche League Leaders are welcome to share
with information with women they help. I hope this clarifies LLLI
position regardintg the use of cabbage leaves for engorgement.
Thanks, Cathy Liles