Hi all again!  About my depressed or obsessive-compulsive lady.  I wasn't
very clear.  She said to me that she was really tryin  very hard at the
breastfeeding because she did not want to have another failure in her life
and was sort of using it to cover up the pain over her losses (boyfriend.)
It was the first time she had allowed herself to verbalize it.  (She's not
been put on Mes yet.)

My question again is: Can pumping and focusing hard on the breastfeeding
cause an adrenaline rush?  If so, can the baby have more adrenaline in his
system to cause him to be very actvie.  Baby is only 6 mos. and cruising the
floor on hands and knees. Bye . Off to 2 weddings.

Kathleen, what do you mean by Newsgroup?
.Cynthia J. Church RN,BSN,IBCLC