I'm hoping someone will be able to help me find some breastfeeding
>promotion and/or "how to" information for Vietnamese and Russian women.
>These populations are growing rapidly in Washington state and we'd like
>to provide them with materials without having to re-create the wheel.
>Anybody have any pamphlets, videos, etc.,they could share or know of a
>source for them?  My personal E-mail address follows.  Thanks.
Hi Judy
I have a pamphlet put out in Australia by the Royal womens Hospital in
Melbourne which is very basic information on How Lactation works, etc that I
could send you if you give me your postal address.regards Jackie
>Judy Jameson IBCLC
>         jlj1303hub.doh.wa.gov
>Public Health Nutrition Services
>Dept. of Health
>        We do not see things as they are, we see them as we are.
>                                                Anais Nin