Hello all,
I just wanted to clarify something that I wrote on Parent-L about babies and
solids.  I don't remember what my exact words were, but what I meant to say
wa that it was my *understanding* that babies got all that they needed from
breastmilk for their first 12 months.  I have heard this from Peds., and
others in this business.  I did not mean to imply that they shouldn't have
other foods or that they didn't need other foods, just that I have been led
to understand that mother's milk provides all a baby needs, calories etc.,
for the first year.  Evidently, that information was not accurate!  Yes, I
know that babies need different things at different ages, and now, thanks to
Kathy D., I know that solids are included.  Thanks Kathy for filling me in
with correct information!