Just saw a report about a product that keeps air flowing across the baby's
crib to prevent SIDS from baby rebreathing co2, that is now being tested in
NICU's. At  the end of the report the reporter (a male), gave ways to prevent
SIDS "Lay the baby on its side, no pillows or stuffed toys, breastfeed the
baby and don't smoke..."
 I swear he emphysised the word  BREASTFEED but it may be just me (not)
 I'm always happy to hear good things in the media about breastfeeding.
PS. Saw a Bizarro comic in the paper-- Dad is obviously carrying an older
baby and large diaper bag and says "I'm tired-- would YOU carry the baby for
a while?" Mom looking at her watch answers "Sorry, you still owe me 1 month,
13 days and 9 hours."