Thought I could post to Parent-L & Lactnet with one msg.  Apparently not.
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Date: 95-07-25 21:43:41 EDT

I just saw something in my local supermarket that made me wildly angry.
 Right on the front of a large bottle of White House brand apple juice was a
drawing of a baby bottle with words to the effect of "Good for Babies, Too."
 This is not only a blatent violation of the WHO code (which doesn't have the
force of law in the US anyway), but I think it must violate some FDA or FTC
regulation.  The only foods approved for the use of very young babies, at
least, are breastmilk and formula.  I can't believe they are permitted to
advertise apple juice as "Good for Babies."

Can you see the steam coming out of my ears?  Tomorrow, I am going back to
the supermarket, when I am calmer, and talk to the manager, get the address
of the manufacturer, and find out what the state and federal agencies have to
say.  Is there anyone out there who knows exactly which authorities I should
be contacting?  I should mention that I live in Northern Virginia, in the
Washington, DC suburbs, so contacting the Feds directly is only a local call
away for me.

Rachael Hamlet
Angry Radical BF Lawyer Mom from Hell