get zz
I have been a LLL leader for 21 years.  My children are now
20 and 23.  I was at the LLLI conference in Chicago which I
enjoyed very much.
I am taking the IBCLC exam next Mon. and I'm very nervous.
I haven't been going to meetings much for the lasst 10 years.
I am particularly worried about the slide part.  Does anyone
have any tips or suggestions for me?
I did run across some things in Ruth Lawrence that concerned/
confused me.  I would appreciate it ifanyone could answer.
1- She categorically states that breastmilk is inadequate if
unsupplemented beyond 6 months.  I need a good reference
for this.  At the convention there was a session that
addressed this and much discussion but I don't see a
reference in my notes.
2 - Lawrence also says that the jacknife procedure
for waking a sleepy baby is dangerous - why / any proof?
3 - Barbara Heiser's nipple sandwich (LLLI answer book)
involves forming and tilting the nipple.  Lawrence says
a nipple tilted up will be sore on the bottom.  Comments?

Actually there will be times when I can answer questions
not just ask them (I hope).  My husband whose account I
use) is a scientific information specialist with much Medline
experience - email directly for his introductory info.
