Hi Elaine!    I'm Cindy from Lansing.  I've got a couple of thoughts about
the baby with the tight jaw.  I'm sure you know all of this.   Look at the
tongue, frenulum, can  and does tongue come out over the lower gum, and do
you think it can easily stay there during a feed.  WHat's baby's position?
I always remember Pat Schulte saying that what's in the hips is reflected in
the lips--or is baby in flexed position.

A simple technique used by some OT's is to place the finger tip at lower
lip to get baby to reach tongue out to finger.  Dad can do this in between
feeds or Mom just prior to feed.  It worked like a charm in a couple of
traumatized nipple cases but I do not remember if they clamped--

One of my co-workers had a baby (10# at birth) who clamped and drew blood,
during the first days, plus had to go under the home bili light.  It scared
her off, (the blood) , so she pumped and gave in a bottle with M____ nipple
until she had the courage about a month down the road to try again.  Those
of us who were her BFing cheerleaders, I guess, just tried to empower her,
that it wasn't all over, what a great milk supply she had etc.  Everything
was fine, when she tried again and that was nearly 2 1/2 years ago and she
is still BFing.  (This was her 2nd baby and she considered the first BF
experience a flop.)

Every once in a while I have 2-3 clampers in a row and it makes me wonder
what new drug they are using in L& D.

I'm going to e-mail you soon  re: your advice about clinicals for my
Masters..  A T- storm is coming your way.

.Cynthia J. Church RN,BSN,IBCLC