I certainly think it is silly to tell someone to wean because of migraine
headaches, though every person is an individual. The approach to migraines
in nursing  should be just like the approach to moms not nursing, taking
care with proper choice of meds. A person who has migraines may notice more
headaches if she is tired, off schedule, has a change in diet, etc.
Actually, I notice that once women become postmenopausal, migraines
diminish quite a bit in frequency, and a nursing women who is ammenorheic
is certainly similar to a postmenopausal women in terms of ovarian
function! I don't know if there is any literature about migraines in
nursing women, but it would make a great study. I would definitely review
in detail with this patient dietary triggers, changes in schedules, prior
history of headache patterns, and then try meds before weaning...weaning
would be for sure the last resort! Anne Eglash MD