I have been waiting until the conferences were over to ask this, so that
lots of experts will read the question.

A mother at a recent LLL meeting in our town asked if there were any
guidelines available for doing breast delf-examinations while lactating.
Many mothers at our meetings are concerned, since they are in the "older"
mother category.  And as we all know, though lactating cuts one's risk of
breast cancer, it does not eliminate it.

So, with the ever-changing texture and size of lactating breasts, what
types of lumps or other symptoms are normal, and what should women be
concerned enough about to bring to their phycisian's attention?  Should
women continue to do self examinations while lactating or is it not worth
the trouble?

(I brought this up a couple of times to people I thought would know at the
LLLI convention, but all they said was "good question!"  I also suggested
it as a topic for one of the LLL magazines.  I didn't get a chance to talk
to Chele Marmet, who people thought might have the most insight--I only
barely said hello to her!)

Sue Ann Kendall, mother of two small boys, editor, La Leche League Leader,
Prairienet Publications Committee Head,
E. Central Ill. Breastfeeding Promotion Task Force Chair, 1995-6
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