Hi everyone,

Judy D posted a question about nipple shields.  My policy is to have some
around, BUT and that's a BIG BUT, they are not to be handed out or sold without
a LC appointment.  I maintain that policy both in my private practice and have
already instituted it at my new hospital job.  I think there can be an
occasional use for them but feel that the mom and baby need to be closely
followed, the problem worked on and solved and then weaned from the shield.

And speaking of nipple shields, I heard an idea circulating at the ILC
conference and wondered if any of the others of you either heard it there or
know anything about it.  It seems that someone has found a way to make use of a
nipple shield that has been cut out around the top and bottom to help babies
with cleft lip/palate.  The idea being that proper stim will still occur at the
areolar area to keep up milk production but that the shield will act to fill in
the cleft.  I sure would like to find out more about this, so please, anyone
--- jump in and let me know what you have hear or know first hand.

TIA, and as always, my regards,


        Yaffa Stark, MA, IBCLC    Los Angeles, Calif., USA
        "We must identify and reduce barriers which keep women
       from beginning or continuing to breastfeed their infants."
       C. Everett Koop, M.D., ScD. Former Surgeon General