Dear Becky-- Bring your baby to ILCA!
I think you misunderstood the gist of those messages-- the problems that were
raised were with (1) a hospital conference organized by non-BF friendly
staff, who wouldn't let a mom and baby even lunch with the main group,this
lactnet mom had brought her own babysitter with her and left the conference
room to bf, so babe was never "in arms, at conf, and (2) in a completely
different setting, at conferences like LLLI And ILCA, where conferences are
orgainzed by BF friendly staff, babes in arms are WELCOME, but mothers are
requested to attend to their childrn's needs and not keep them in the
conference room after they are complaining audibly.  The two issues are quite
different-- the first asked a nondisruptive attentive mother not to join her
colleagues for the social part of the conference. In this case, the staff's
position appeared unfair. In the second case, the problem was with moms not
attending to the needs of either their children or their colleagues by
staying in the conference room with an unhappy child.
Writing this message from the LLLI/AAP conference in Chicago, there are
plenty of babies here, and tommorrow with the regular conf there will be
plenty more, and the issue was quite easily accommodated.  The lecture hall
is right next to the exhibit hall, and the lecture sound is piped into the
exhibit room, where there are not only exhibits, but a whole section of toys
for toddlers and up.  Babes and kids are welcome in either room, but if
babies get unhappy or otherwise noisy, parents simply took them to the next
room where they could attend to their children and hear the lecture too. I
thas worked quite well, speaking as a mom no longer with kids that age, but
"been there done that."
I'm sure it will be the same at ILCA-- anyone whose been to ILCA mtgs please
chime in--