I had no problems bf first child, but with #2 sore nipples began within
hours, bleeding, etc - horrible.  I had to pump one breast and I did finger
feeding, cup feeding - the whole bit.  Everything looked fine with her latch.
 Even had a pediatric dentist check her, pediatrician too.  She clamped down
- felt like biting.  Her birth was an induction, forceps assisted (like the
first).  Perhaps she had pain or tension in face, jaws.  Relaxation massages
of face, wallking the tongue, all that was tried.  Actually in about 3 wks it
worked out.  Can't really say what helped except persistance on my part and
lots of support from LC friends.  This baby never had bottle, paci, nothing.
 Was put to breast in delivery room with good instincts.  This is still a
mystery to me.  She refuses bottles now, learned to take cup about 4 1/2 mos,
still bf at 10 mos.
By the way, she was always thriving at the breast, never lost weight, gained
1 oz per day.

Laurie Wheeler, Rnc, Mn, ibclc
Violet La

p.s.  This kind of experience really gives you empathy when working with
other moms with problems.  The nipple pain, frustration, time consuming to
pump, finger feed, etc and also care for 5 yr old -- was almost too much for
me.  A less committed mom really needs tons of help and support.