Hi all,
Got a little more info from the mom who had the BR surgery.  Seems the
nipples were taken completely off and put into a dish while the surgery was
being done.  The areolas were trimmed down in size because they were very
large and they would have looked rather odd being so large on smaller
breasts.  Mom talked to a nurse where surgery was done and was told that she
should be able to BF but wouldn't have as much milk because some ducts were
removed.  This doesn't make sense to me though.  If the nipples were
completely removed, then how could she BF?  The ducts would have to be
reconnected to the nipple, wouldn't they?  Is that even possible?  OOOHHH the
stuff I'm learning!!  This forum is great for us beginners, but sometimes I
feel like I'm barely treading water in this sea of knowledge!
Thanks in advance!

Glub, Glub....  :o)