I cringe at the idea of women messing with their reproductive hormones
right after birth; how can we think/say that this will not affect
lactation, which is part of the same system, at all? And while I have
heard the claims of increasing milk supply, I have yet to hear the
rationale explained technically--- can someone out there explain what
active part of the drug acts as a galactogogue? Meanwhile, there are some
contrary anecdotes of negative impacts on milk supply, and since this
form of BC is not easily reversed, I hesitate strongly to recommend it.
While we will all agree that breastfeeding is not a form of contraception
per se, the protective effects are so high in the initial period when
exclusive and unrestricted bfg are practiced that there is little need
for such aggressive and irreversible coverage. The studies I have read
emphasize this and recommend that mothers understand that adding BC is
usually doubling their coverage and is not their "only" safety net. I try
to persuade moms who wish to use hormones to wait three months and use
mechanical secondary coverage during that time rather than play roulette;
the risks of messing with their body are higher than the "risks" they are
taking in combining excl bfg and barrier devices, IMHO.

Lisa A. Marasco, IBCLC                                /  [log in to unmask]
International Board Certified Lactation Consultant    /  [log in to unmask]
