This Mom is against herbs and such. :(    (They sure worked for me!)
She is a very negative person at time, but goes through stages of wanting to
get through this and then wanting to get rid of the baby. (not really get rid
of the Baby)  I talked to her last night, she told me she is going in for
counseling.  I think it's a really good idea.  There seems to be some sort of
sexual abuse that occurred in her early years, and she's not quite sure how
to deal with all that is going on.  When she called me last night, she was in
tears because she had just taken all of her frustrations out on her hubby,
who by the way has been very supportive, and she didn't know what to do.
 Having gone through this myself just a short 10 months ago, I told her to
get help, and to go to her hubby and apologize profusely!  Within a short
time I had her laughing at my stories of what I felt when Ben and I had a lot
of probs.  It seemed to help her to know that her feeling were valid, and
that she wasn't the only one in the world who had had them.  However, I don't
want to become her psychiatrist.  I want to give her support and empower her
to help herself, but I don't want to BECOME her support, you know?
I'm very new to this field and boy am I learning the hard stuff first!  I had
hoped to ease into this field slowly so as not to get in over my head.  Oh
well, nice thought anyway!
I'll let you know if this Mom survives her ordeal.  If she does or doesn't,
she's the one who has to choose and accept her choice!
Take Care!
LC in training!!  Slow it down out there!!