Sorry folks. Payment for lactnet is not possible. Has to do with the fact
that we get our server free and also violates some other rules that are so
arcane I can't remember them at midnight or later!  So,  if you could just
be careful about setting to nomail when do not plan to read and
check/toss/file or whatever all the wornderful mail we send out to one
another, things should get better.

If I sounded desperate I was, but things are much better now, which we both

Let's all keep on truckin' and things will be fine.  :-)

 %% "We are all faced with a series of great opportunities      %%
 %% brilliantly disguised as impossible situations."            %%
 %% definition of a lactation consulting service.               %%
 %% Kathleen G. Auerbach,PhD, IBCLC - [log in to unmask]          %%
 %% Homewood, Illinois USA                                      %%
