I need some input about anybody's experiences with how Depo-Provera affects a
breastfeeding mom's milk supply, ect...

 I work as a Physician Assistant and sometimes when I tell new mothers that I
don't think it's a good idea for them to go back to the pill while bf they
look at me like "well, what the heck am I going to do" .  A certain
percentage of new mothers seem really opposed to condoms/diaphram either
because of their partners' preferences or because they have never done that
barrier method stuff.

Any experiences with the mini-pill?

Depo-Provera is nice because it takes very little brain work and only has to
be given 4 times per year.  However, I don't want to recommend it if it is
going to cause bf problems.

Thanks for your info,
Kim Connor PA-C, CLE
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