Hi, Lactnet. As instructed, here's a brief introduction.

I am a registered nurse celebrating my 3rd year as a diploma graduate from a
school in New Orleans.  I am an OB/GYN nurse 30 miles north of New Orleans in
a small hospital.  We have a rural and suburban patient population.  (Very
large teen pregnancy poplulation. We have the largest percentage of teen
pregnancies than any other parish (county) in the state and the whole state
exceeds the national numbers for teen pregnancy.)
The majority of my nursing practice is in post partum however I do "float" to
labor and delivery prn.  I am in the process of increasing my hours in L&D.
 As a post partum nurse, I do alot of breastfeeding teaching.  Although we do
not have a comprehensive program at our hospital, a large percentage of our
nursing staff have breastfed and are very interested in promoting
breastfeeding.  We have a high staff retention rate so there is alot of
continuuity in this area.
My goal is to complete a lactation educator course (I'm thinking about the
UCLA program) and eventually become a certified LC. Time and children need to
be juggled so the going is slow.
I am looking forward to lactnet.  At the moment, I have a particular interest
in adoption and breastfeeding.  I would love to hear from anyone who can
share information &/or their experiences with this.