Thanks for your comments, Marie and Alicia. I wrote a private
note to Yaffa about how schizy I feel at times on the net. I
mean, we're talking the same language (in more ways than one!),
and usually discussing how things are in America, which IS where
I was born and spent the first 23 years of my life, but sometimes
I feel like you're talking about the moon. What I mean is NOT
that you guys have three heads and antennae - but how much things
have changed in 25 (m'god, almost 26) years. My husband is also
an American, from Boston, also here 25 years, yet when our kids
(3 of them) were babies, he NEVER fed them, NEVER bathed them and
changed one of them several times on ONE day when I had a fever
of 104 and was kind of delerious. He held them, sang to them,
played with them, and I think was and is a good father. He
certainly spoil(s)ed them more than I. Yet this picture of mom
having to mess with the pump, the bottle, sterilizing, the whole
shmeer, so that dad can bond with baby thru food.....well, can
you see my mouth hanging open? I think (fear) you guys are right
and that it's the BAD GUYS of Infamous Formula working on the
culture. Fight it with all you have, it sounds slimy and
insidious. I don't like the idea of people messing with my mind.
Judy Knopf, in La-La Land