Kathleen -
Guilt! Guilt!  I hope I'm not one of the offenders!  I didn't realize that
checking my mail only every other day would create problems for you.  I
though it just created hours of catch-up reading for me!  I have my NOMAIL
instructions from Kathleen B. right here next to the computer.  I will follow
them to the letter before I leave tomorrow for Chicago and LLLI.
Re a charge for Lactnet: if this is costing you two money I for one would
agree to a subscription charge.  We pay for our ILCA memberships, our AOL
memberships, why not our Lactnet memberships?  As we grow bigger it will only
cost you two Kathleens more time and money and I don't want to risk you
getting burned out and losing Lactnet!
Thank you for giving us Lactnet and each other!
Cynthia D. Payne
(Feeling guilty and crawling under the soap box)