Hello all!
 Today I asked one of the peds who notoriously orders rice cereal for babes
with reflux if he was concerned about the predisposition of allergies in
later life or to the immaturity of the gut at day 2 or 3.  He asked  me what
the *difference *in day 2 to  was to the intro of solids at day 4 month. I
then realized I was in trouble, he didn't have the first clue where I was
coming from.  Plus, with the nursery nurse citing how *her* children have all
done well with cereal, no hx allergies, And with the doc citing allergies
only occur in familes predisposed to them...uhg, of course, this discussion
arose as we have a little one 2 d.o. that spit's up.  It's off the breast,
1/2 strength abm and diluted rice cereal and reflux studies.  I'd 'd like to
trash the box of  rice cereal in the nursery...

Does anyone know of any references in pediatric journals that support the
delaying of solid intro.  Oh, Maryelle, wish you were here!!!

With these wild posts, you may wonder where the heck I work, somedays, I
wonder too.  Must hold on to our ideals, and am grateful for the supportive
net! Thanks!

stuck in a place lost in time!