Nursed Ed 21 months which included 7 mos. into pregnancy # 2.  Nursed Hannah
26 months till thrush, ear infections, pregnancy # 3 and hubby overseas on
assignment did us in.  Nursed Carl 4 1/2 years, an important form of
communication for a child with severely delayed speech. Now all are weaned
and very secure at ages 24, 22, and 20!  Only thing I'd do differently now is
birth at home with midwives instead of being the classroom for OB residents
learning how to catch kids.
Linda Smith, mother of Ed, Hannah, &Carl; grandmother of Carrie; foster
mother to Pete (Bearded Collie who eats white-out and cat turds), Cecelia
(English Setter afraid of thunderstorms) and Dementia (scare-dey-cat), and
Recalcitrant Beast, my computer.