Kathy - I had an American mom a couple of years ago who was married to a man
from India (I'm sorry I don't remember what part).  When their firstborn was
a few months old they took him back to India for two months to visit with the
paternal grandparents.  I asked her to ask her mother-in-law about bf in
India.  When she got back she told me that her mother-in-law told her that
years ago in the area in which she grew up they believed that the longer a
child nursed the longer they would live.  Boys, of course, were more valued
than girls, so the sons would be called in to nurse once a day by their
mothers until they were 9 or 10 years old.  I nursed my kids for a LONG time,
but I think I'd have trouble convincing my 10 year old to come in and nurse!
Cynthia - mom of Morgan (10), Tyler (6) and Dillon (2), nine tropical fish,
two Gouldian finches, two Egyptian spiny mice, 1 parakeet and one Welsh