Marilee just said

From:    Marilee Woodworth <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Lactnet Support Group

I just want to say that I love you all. My time reading my lactnet mail,
while sometimes hard to find, is so special. I have been especially enjoying
the feminist discussion also. I think Lactnet is truly a feminist
organization because of how supportive we
are and at the same time discussing important issues.

Thankyou all. Thankyou Kathys.

First of all, you are welcome. I am tremendously happy that it has turned
out so well. I think that we are up to 195 people, and that is BEFORE
ILCA/LLLI.  I must say that I think that the ripples of change will go a
little further a little faster due to Lactnet, and if I had something to do
with this, then I am grateful....I have always wanted to help bf mothers on
a large scale...I have learned so much from being a LLL Leader.....and I
get frustrated with the slowness sometimes, the here I am
making BIG waves....

The feminist part of me is also enjoying this discussion (and that is MOST
of me....) sisters AND brothers at Vassar would be proud.  : )

KB, coming from a truly feminist point of view.


Kathleen B. Bruce RN, BSN, IBCLC (email = [log in to unmask])
"Personally I am always ready to learn, although I do not always
like being taught."    Winston Churchill