Dear Linda,

ISOLATED breast development in a child is a benign condition called
"premature Telarche".  I quote the following comments from the Nelson
textbook of Pediatrics pp1448 or the 12th edition.

1.  Has to occur without any other manifestation of precocious puberty
(Such as pubic hair,....).
2.  Presents during the first year of life and in 1/3  of cases is
present at birth and persists.
3.  Often but not always assymetrical
4.  Breasts may decrease in size in about 50% but can persist until puberty.
5.  All hormonal tests run on these kids are normal.

Premature adrenarche is the same thing but with isolated appearance of
pubic hair instead!

So sounds like mom can be reassured, double check to see if doc not
worried because something else is going on.
