Janet - The woman who didn't want to bf "because she had to hold the baby all
the time" had a real problem with her body and sexuality, and attachment
problems with the baby.  She dieted fanatically after giving birth and was
back in her pre-pregnancy clothes by her 6 week check-up because she hated
her "round flabby body".  She said what a pain it was to have breasts (and
she was pretty small-breasted to begin with) and wished she could just have a
surgeon "cut them off".  I was there when she bathed her baby and she would
just plop him in the tub, then dump a bucket of water over his head.  He
would sputter and cry, but she'd ignore it.  She put her baby's crib in a
room on another floor and at the far end of the house from her room because
she didn't want to be disturbed at night.  It was pretty scary.  I can
certainly identify with the "all touched out" feeling, but she didn't want to
touch her baby at all.
I worked with a similar mom recently.  Drove her to her WIC and pediatric
appts, bought her lunch then spent an hour working with her.  Arranged for
sister-in-law to check up on her every morning and my co-leader to check her
every evening (she had no car or phone).  Loaned her my breast pump and SNS.
 Of course she only lasted three weeks, even though she didn't really have
any problems - good milk supply and good suck.  She just never put the baby
to breast and gave him bottles.  It always seems the ones that you spend the
most time and effort on are the ones that give it up.
P.S. Heard through the grapevine that the recent mom has been reported to DSS
(by her family) for neglect of the infant.