Last time to post this:

LACTNET will meet from 3:30-5PM on Thursday, July 13 in Suite 2096 (near
Registration) at the Hyatt Regency.

All persons who have PAID for their shirts and asked to pick them up there
will get them there. If I have no record that they have been paid for, you
will have to wait until AFTER ILCA to get it.  We will take a picture there
of everyone--in their shirts!  So feel free to bring a camera and your
enthusiasm.  I am particularly interested in hearing the Graham song and
seeing Queen Braah Zeer of Ohio in her costume, complete with grasshoppers
and giant molars!  :-)

Be sure to visit the posters for the LACTNET poster.  The map is HUGE and
(unfortunately) not in all cases in the same size for all countries.  For
those of you "oldsters", some new subscribers hail from Germany, New
Zealand, and Great Britain.  Wow!  We are expanding in numbers and
countries represented!

Business cards with instructions for getting on LACTNET will be availalbe
at the poster.

If any of you are confused or FORGET to bring this note with you, please
look on the message board. I will have a note there about the LACTNET

Til we see one another and put names and faces together...  taa taa

 %% "We are all faced with a series of great opportunities      %%
 %% brilliantly disguised as impossible situations."            %%
 %% definition of a lactation consulting service.               %%
 %% Kathleen G. Auerbach,PhD, IBCLC - [log in to unmask]          %%
 %% Homewood, Illinois USA                                      %%
