Hello everyone,

I have been learning a lot from you all, and now hope you can help me.
There is a woman in my La Leche League group who is pregnant and worried
about how her fibrocystic breasts will affect her ability to nurse.  She
has two older children (they are 9 and 11 I think), and she didn't nurse
them very long, because various problems (infections, soreness, etc.) came
up, and her phycicians told her she couldn't nurse.  Sigh.

She is now quite determined to nurse this baby, but wants me to provide her
with as much information on her problem and its effects on lactation as
possible.  I have given her the section from the Breastfeeding Answer Book
that deals with fibrocystic disease, but she would like any other knowledge
she can find. I guess she wants proof that she will be able to nurse just
fine, and more info on the idea that nursing will actually improve her

Thanks for any research or anecdotal evidence you may have.

Sue Ann Kendall, mother of two small boys, editor, La Leche League Leader,
Prairienet Publications Committee Head,
E. Central Ill. Breastfeeding Promotion Task Force Chair, 1995-6
[log in to unmask]                        http://www.prairienet.org/~sak