Kathleen -

The check will be in the mail today - just got home from a good meeting with
WALC members in WI.  Great group there!  Looking forward to getting my
t-shirt and Kathy A. can bring to AZ for me.  Thanks for your energy &
perseverence on this, your queenliness!
(Martha, move over and make room on the throne for one more here!)


If you still want to go to the conference, you can get into the Radisson -
and maybe even get a roomie.  Number for the Radisson is 1-800-333-3333.  (I
didn't even have to look it up - surprise!  :)

Good to be back & get all the messages - even with digest there were a lot
for 2 days....  you all are great - can't wait for Thursday meeting at ILCA!

Jan B.