In nearly nine years of teaching Lamaze ,
I think I've shared my five-plus years of breastfeeding (for one kid that
is) maybe five times - always with classes where I felt a special bond,
and where they pressed me.  Much like Kathleen A, I usually reply (the
question usually is "How long should you nurse a baby, anyway?), "As long
as you and the baby are enjoying yourselves, there's no reason to wean."
(This (is a a great time to talk about the age-specificity of breastmilk.)
   My mentor Leader was never-again asked to talk to the CE classes at a
local hospital after she truthfully answered her "how long" question.
One other thing I mention is that even if you only nurse once, it's worth
it.  (I know that message is getting through because from time to time
one of the L&D nurses will mention this odd mother who only wanted to
nurse once...I also have a high rate of mothers who bottlefed the first
time around who breastfeed their next baby.) I'm always hoping that the
"just once" will be so lovely, they'll decide to do it "just once" more
and "just once" more!   Dawn the Green Mountain Mama
  ps a welcome to Cynthia payne, the VBAC Pioneer of Western Mass!