Quite possibly, my least favorite question is, "How long do you think a woman
should bf?"  Usually comes from a client, or in a bf class....

Especially with a first time mom, when one cites the world wide average of 4
years, the WHO recommendation of at least 2, Antonia Novella's statement of
"lucky the child bf for 2 years..." and finally, the AAP of at least a year,
the mom looks a bit glazed over.  I don't even like saying, "As long as you
and the baby are enjoying it" or something like that, because for many of my
moms, that might be quitting at the next feed.  I do like what Kathy Auerbach
says that every time you bf, you make the decision to do so.  I need to
figure out how to put this all in a concise statement that will empower the
women to bf for a truly long time, and to make the commitment to doing so.

Coffee cup is empty.....
