> What are your thoughts on this? Any good
>comebacks? Does anyone know of any Wyeth CODE violations besides giving out
>funding to healthcare facilities?

Sorry I didn't respond to this request earlier.  I have been away for a week
on vacation.

Wyeth, as you may expect, does not follow the provisions of the WHO Code.  In
fact according to the "State of the Code by Company 1994", Wyeth is second
only to Nestle in its violation of the WHO Code.  If you want I can send you
a copy of this chart along with the pages on Wyeth from "Breaking the Rules
1994."  Just email me at [log in to unmask] and give me your snail mail
adress and I will send it off to you.  Our periodic newsletter also often
alerts our readers to Code violations, we can send you a complimentary copy
of that as well.

In the meantime here are a few quick and convincing violations that you can
Wyeh (AHP) labels in Gabon and Cote d'Ivoire carry pictures of babies and the
word "maternalized."  (Both violations of the Code)  When we confronted he
company with these violations they said it was o.k. because it conformed to
France's label requirements!  France's laws do not have jurisdiction over
Gabon and Cote d'Ivoire.

Wyeth(AHP) still distributes Free supplies in many countries including
Thailand despite promising to stop.  When we confronted them with this they
replied that they stopped for a while, but other companies were still using
the tactic so they had to continue.

In Nicaragua, Wyeth(AHP) provides its sales reps with a training video on how
to get around the Code and use health workers to get to the ultimate target,

I hope this helps.
Action for Corporate Accountability/ IBFAN USA